Pioneer Time and Attendance Management solutions

Modern Time & Attendance Management Solutions offer excellent tools to any enterprise or organisation which occupies employees.

Atermon Systems is a Time & Attendance Management expert. Since 1996 we have been supporting, and still continue to support and upgrade, over 2.500 Time & Attendance Management installations in enterprises and organisations of both the private and the public sector in all areas of activity.


Reliable, modern, integrated, cost-efficient and very easy to use – a valuable tool that helps you minimise payroll calculation times.

Time Manager™

Αtermon Time Manager is designed to meet the needs of medium- and large-sized enterprises and organisations of the private or public sector in all areas of activity.

Digital Work Card – ERGANI

The Time & Attendance Management solutions that our company offers provide the possibility to communicate with the ERGANI I.S. in order to notify the start and end time of work for each employee.